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Dragon Con

September 22-24, 2023

Atlanta, GA

Dragon Con is a large convention located in downtown Atlanta that encompasses five hotels instead of a traditional convention center. A fan-centric con comprised of more than 40 different fandoms each with its own programming “track” and primary location. The tracks represent a broad range of interests from literature, TV and movies, science and more. Each track has a committee that chooses a theme for the programming, decoration, and costume party. Dragon Con has the most programming of any con: it last for a full four days, going late into the evenings with some scheduled events continuing on well past midnight. Dragon Con TV (DCTV) is unique to this con. It is a TV channel broadcast at the five host hotels and on YouTube with original programming along with rebroadcasts of select panels and events.


A more immersive fan experience is created by how Dragon Con is organized into tracks. On any given night, there will be four or more track parties to attend as well as the evening gathering of cosplayers and con-goers in the Marriott Marquis atrium. It is no wonder that Dragon Con has been compared to Mardi Gras, sometimes referred to as “Nerdy Gras.” Dragon Con becomes a fully immersive con experience celebrating the joy of fandom 24 hours a day.

Ticket and Hotel Prices

The Annual Dragon Con Parade feels like it is attended by all of Atlanta. The parade itself runs for well over an hour plus time for arriving early and looking for a spot; you will be in the hot August Atlanta sun and humidity for several hours. Remember to arrive early, bring water and sunscreen. It is one amazing parade, worth all the effort.


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